ABC arbitrage distributed the balance of the dividend for 2016 in the amount of € 0.25 per ordinary share.
Ex-dividend date was July 20, 2017 for an effective payment on July 24, 2017. This payment is considered as a distribution for € 0.04015 (drawn from the distributable profits) and a reimbursement of share premiums within the meaning of Article 112 1 ° of the General Tax Code for € 0.20985. The reimbursement of share premiums will not be subject to income tax for the year 2017 but will reduce the acquisition cost of the shares concerned; taxation shall therefore apply only at the time of the sale of the said shares. Such tax information is provided as a guide, shareholders are invited to contact their adviser to determine the tax regime applicable to them.
As a reminder, a payment of € 0.20 per share took place in November 2016, and therefore the total distribution for the 2016 financial year amounts to € 0.45 per share.
2017 interim results will be published on September 26, 2017.