General meeting

Shareholders’ meetings, which can be ordinary, extraordinary or both, are held at least once a year. They are privileged encounters to inform all shareholders on the group, to discuss matters with members of the Board of Directors and the main decision-makers, to participate in making decisions and to vote on proposed resolutions.

The general meeting of ABC Arbitrage, which approve the accounts for the previous financial year, are held in early June in Paris.

Dominique CEOLIN, Chairman and CEO, was pleased to present a webinar to shareholders on Monday 3 June 2024. The webinar provided an opportunity to establish a dialogue ahead of the Annual General Meeting, and to use the VOTACCESS function in a well-informed way. The presentation is available in the ‘Publications’ section and the replay can be accessed via this link (in French).

The next general meeting will be held on June 7, 2024 at the Centorial Auditorium, please find all the necessary information below :

  • Next General meeting

    7 June 2024 10:30 am, Paris time

  • Location of the event

    Le Centorial Auditorium 18 rue du 4 Septembre
    75002 Paris

  • How to get there ?

    • Quatre Septembre
    • Richelieu Drouot
    See on the map

How to participate

How to participate in the next general meeting ?

For this general meeting, in accordance with the provisions of Article R. 225-61 of the French Commercial Code and the company’s statutes, shareholders are permitted to vote by electronic means of telecommunication.

The General Meeting is composed of all the shareholders regardless of the number of their shares.

Shareholders may participate remotely by giving a proxy or by voting by mail.

Shareholders may be represented by giving a proxy to the Chairman of the General Meeting, to another shareholder, to their spouse or to the partner with whom they have entered into a civil solidarity pact, or to any other individual or legal entity of their choice under the conditions set out in Articles L 225-106 and L 22-10-39 of the Commercial Code.

In accordance with the provisions of Article R. 225-79 of the Commercial Code, the proxy given by a shareholder to be represented must be signed by the shareholder, who shall have indicated his or her name, first name and domicile, and may designate by name a proxy, whose name, first name and domicile he or she shall have specified, who shall not be entitled to substitute another person (it being stipulated that, in such case, the proxy shall vote by correspondence in respect of this proxy).

It is specified that, for any proxy without indication of a proxy, the Chairman of the General Meeting will vote in favour of the adoption of the draft resolutions presented or approved by the Board of Directors, and against all other draft resolutions.

How to apply for an admission card by postal service ?

Shareholders wishing to attend the meeting must request their admission card as follows:

-For registered shareholders:

registered shareholders must complete the Single Voting Form, attached to the notice of meeting, which will be sent to them, specifying that they wish to attend the General Meeting and obtain an admission card, and then return it, dated and signed, to Uptevia using the prepaid envelope attached to the notice of meeting.

-For bearer shareholders:

bearer shareholders must ask their financial intermediary, who manages their securities account, to send them an admission card.

Requests for admission cards by post must be received by Uptevia three days before the meeting, i.e. by June 4, 2024, at the latest, in accordance with the procedures indicated above.

How to apply for an admission card by the internet ?

Shareholders wishing to attend the meeting must request their admission card as follows:

-For registered shareholders:

registered shareholders can access the VOTACCESS website via the OLIS Actionnaire website at Registered shareholders must connect to the OLIS Actionnaire website with their usual access codes. Their connection ID will be recalled on the Single Voting Form or on the electronic notice of meeting. Administered registered shareholders should connect to the OLIS Shareholder site using the internet connection ID recalled on the voting form or on the electronic invitation. Once on the home page of the site, they should follow the instructions on the screen. After logging on to the OLIS Actionnaire site, registered shareholders, both pure and administered, must follow the instructions on the screen to access the VOTACCESS site and request their admission card.

-For bearer shareholders:

it is the responsibility of the bearer shareholder to find out whether or not the financial intermediary who manages his or her securities account is connected to the VOTACCESS site and, if so, the conditions for using the VOTACCESS site. If the shareholder’s financial intermediary is connected to the VOTACCESS website, the shareholder will have to identify himself on his financial intermediary’s Internet portal with his usual access codes. He will then have to follow the instructions given on the screen in order to access the VOTACCESS site and request his admission card.

How to vote by post ?

Shareholders wishing to vote by mail or by proxy in paper form must:

-For registered shareholders :

complete the single form, attached to the notice of meeting automatically received by each registered shareholder, stating that he wishes to be represented or vote by correspondence and then return it dated and signed using the envelope T attached to the notice of meeting or by mail to Uptevia – Service Assemblées Générales – La Défense – Cœur Défense Tour A – 90-110 Esplanade du Général de Gaulle 92400 Courbevoie.

-For bearer shareholders:

request the form from the financial intermediary who manages their titles, as from the date of the convening of the General Assembly, complete it stating that he wishes to be represented or vote by correspondence and then return it dated and signed, accompanied a certificate of participation issued by the financial intermediary, by mail to Uptevia – Service Assemblées Générales – La Défense – Cœur Défense Tour A – 90-110 Esplanade du Général de Gaulle 92400 Courbevoie. In order to be honoured, this request for a form must be received by Caceis Corporate Trust no later than six (6) days before the date of the General Meeting,  30 May 2024. In order to be taken into account, the duly completed form must be returned to the financial institution holding the shareholder’s securities account, which will return it to Uptevia together with a certificate.

Remote votes will only be taken into account if they are received (3) at least three days before the date of the General Meeting, 4 June 2024, by Uptevia at the above-mentioned postal address (see below for the processing of proxy votes).

Any shareholder who has already voted remotely, sent a proxy, requested an admission card or requested a certificate of participation can no longer choose another method of participation in the General Meeting.

How to vote by mail order ?

Shareholders may transmit their voting instructions, and appoint or remove an agent via the Internet prior to the Shareholders ‘Meeting, on the VOTACCESS website, dedicated to the Shareholders’ Meeting, under the conditions described below:

-For registered shareholders :

The registered shareholder may access the VOTACCESS website via the OLIS Shareholder website at by using the identifier entered on the voting form or on the electronic notice and by following the instructions on the screen.

If you do not have your personal login and/or password, you can request them by post from Uptevia – Service Assemblées Générales – 12 place des Etats-Unis CS 40083 – 92549 Montrouge Cedex or by email to Login information will be sent by post.

After logging on to the OLIS Actionnaire website, the registered shareholder must follow the instructions on the screen to access the VOTACCESS website and vote or appoint or revoke a proxy.

-For bearer shareholders:

It is the responsibility of a bearer shareholder holding at least one share to inquire as to whether his or her account-holding institution is connected to the VOTACCESS site or, where applicable, the conditions of use of the VOTACCESS website.

If the account-holding institution of the shareholder is connected to the VOTACCESS website, the shareholder must identify himself on the Internet portal of his account-keeping institution with his usual access codes. He must then follow the instructions given on the screen in order to access the VOTACCESS website and vote or appoint or remove an agent.

If the account-holding institution of the shareholder is not connected to the VOTACCESS site, it is specified that notification of the appointment and dismissal of an agent may, however, be effected electronically in accordance with the provisions of the Article R. 22-10-24 of the French Commercial Code, by sending an email to the following email address: This e-mail must include as attachment a scanned copy of the proxy voting form specifying the name, first name, address and full bank references of the shareholder as well as the surname, forename and address of the appointed or revoked representative, accompanied by the certificate of participation issued by the authorized intermediary. Shareholders must imperatively ask their financial intermediary who manages their securities account to send a written confirmation to J-2, 5 June 2024, by post to Uptevia – Service Assemblées Générales – 12 place des Etats-Unis CS 40083 – 92549 Montrouge Cedex, or by email at the following address:

Only notifications of appointment or revocation of mandates duly signed, completed, received and confirmed at the latest D-1 at 15:00 (Paris time) before the date of the General Meeting may be taken into account. In addition, only the notifications of appointment or revocation of mandates can be sent to the abovementioned e-mail address, any other request or notification relating to another object can not be taken into account and / or processed.

The VOTACCESS website for the General Meeting of 7 June 2024, will be open from D-21, 17 May 2024, before the General metting. The possibility to vote, to mandate or to revoke an agent, or to request an admission card by Internet before the General Meeting will end on the D-1, 6 June 2024 at 15:00, Paris time.

In order to avoid any possible congestion of the VOTACCESS website, shareholders are advised not to wait until the day before the General Meeting to enter their instructions.

Any shareholder who has already voted remotely, sent a proxy, requested an admission card or requested a certificate of participation can no longer choose another method of participation in the General Meeting.

How to request the inclusion of items and draft resolutions on the agenda ?

Requests for the inclusion of additional items on the agenda (which must be reasoned) or new draft resolutions, together with the text of the draft resolutions (which may be accompanied by a brief statement of reasons) should be sent to the registered office by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt addressed to the chairman of the board of directors (ABC arbitrage – 18, rue du Quatre Septembre 75002 Paris) or electronically (at the address for a reception by the company no later than the 25th day preceding the meeting, without being able to be sent more than 20 days after the date of the notice of meeting.

The requests must be accompanied by the certificate of registration in account justifying the fraction of the capital held referred to in Article R.225-71 of the French Commercial Code.

The examination of the point or the resolution at the general meeting is subject to the transmission, by the applicants, of a new certificate of registration in account justifying the accounting registration of the securities in the same accounts the 2nd working day preceding the meeting, 5 June 2024 at 12 am.

How to ask a written question ?

Any shareholder may ask written questions to the company.

These questions must be sent to the registered office by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt sent to the chairman of the board of directors or electronically (to the address no later than the fourth working day preceding the Assembly, 3 June 2024 at 12 am. They must be accompanied by a registration certificate.

Answers to written questions will be posted on the Company’s website within the time limit set by the regulations in force.

How to consult the documents made available to the shareholders ?

The documents referred to in Article R.22-10-23 of the French Commercial Code will be published on the company’s website (, at the latest on the 21st day preceding the date of publication, 17 May 2024. The documents and information relating to this meeting will be made available to the shareholders in accordance with the legal and regulatory conditions in force at the company’s registered office.

Shareholders may obtain the documents provided for in Articles R.225-81 and R.225-83 of the French Commercial Code by request addressed to the centralizing institution in accordance with the legal and regulatory conditions in force. To do this, they must send Uptevia a request form for sending documents and information.

The request may be made from the date of the meeting until the fifth day inclusive before the meeting in accordance with Article R.225-88 of the French Commercial Code. To do so, they must send a request form for documents and information to Uptevia – Service Assemblées Générales – La Défense – Cœur Défense Tour A – 90-110 Esplanade du Général de Gaulle 92400 Courbevoie, or by e-mail to Generally speaking, given the context, shareholders are encouraged to give preference to sending requests for communication by electronic means.

What are the necessary documents at the general meeting ?

All documents and information required by the law are available to shareholders within the statutory period at the company’s headquarters.

In an environmentally-respectful approach in compliance with principles described in ABC arbitrage Group CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) report, all documents required for the Combined General Meeting to be held are communicated electronically within the statutory period.  

On the day of the Combined General Meeting, we invite our shareholders to use their smartphones, tablets and any other electronic equipment to consult the documents during the meeting (a Wi-Fi connection will be available) or to print beforehand the documents they deem necessary to attend the Combined General Meeting. 



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